Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

The Flight Attendant Look

Once upon a sausage, flight attendants needed to weight a certain amount, be a certain age and even had to look a certain way. But today things have changed and what they’re looking for most in flight attendants is professionalism, friendliness, good grooming of oneself, and to be tall enough. There are some pretty high cabinets in an airplane, people!

The Flight Attendant Look

The Flight Attendant Look

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last?

This might alarm some people, but the answer is 15 minutes. It does seem like a very little space of time, but understand that in the rare case of this even happening, the pilot would be bringing that plane down to a normal altitude where you wouldn’t even need the breathing apparatus.

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last@

How Long Can An Oxygen Mask Last?