Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

Brace Position Myth

Does the safety brace position really prevent you from becoming more injured during a crash? For a long time many people believed a myth that the position actually endangered passengers more. But after extensive research (and an episode of MythBusters), it was proven that the brace position helps deflect the force of impact from the body and into the chair in front of you, while at the same time protecting your vital organs.

Brace Position Myth

Brace Position Myth

Overweight Luggage

“Ma’am, I’m afraid you’re overweight.” She’s talking about your suitcase, take a breather. But how much do a few extra pounds of luggage actually affect the safety of the plane? The truth is that the weight isn’t actually the issue most of the time, it’s the even distribution of weight in the hold that they really care about. Did you know that sometimes sandbags (weighing up to 600 pounds) are placed in the cargo hold to ensure a balanced weight.

Overweight Luggage

Overweight Luggage