Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

In Case Of Medical Emergency

“Do we have a doctor on board?” That is actually a question you might hear in the case of an emergency on a flight. But it’s important to note that flight attendants are trained to administer first aid which includes the Heimlich maneuver and CPR. On flights with more than 30 passengers, there’s usually even a defibrillator on the plane. Pilots also have the authority to decide whether they want to land an airplane or not for a medical emergency.

In Case Of Medical Emergency

In Case Of Medical Emergency

Limit How Cozy You Get

We all know that getting on a plane we’re not expecting the most comfortable experience of our lives, but we should make the most of it, right? But at whose cost? Neck pillows are acceptable, as are pillows from home, but removing your shoes and socks is the line that shouldn’t be crossed. Nobody wants to suffer through air pressure that blocks their ears only to wish that it blocked their noses.

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