Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

Why Being Nice Is Worth It

Who said that nice guys finish last? Being too nice might not pay in the real world, but in the world of flying, it’s a must. If you’re friendly and polite to the flight crew you might see yourself getting upgraded or being treated better. However if you are to act like a bag that rhymes with ‘loosh’, then you might find yourself by the toilet or next to that incessantly crying baby.

Why Being Nice Is Worth It

Why Being Nice Is Worth It

When It Comes To Water

It’s not always nice to ask the flight attendants for another glass of water, but what’s the alternative? For one you can always bring yourself a small bottle of water for these situations, but never, and I mean NEVER drink from the taps on the plane. The tank that holds that water is cleaned… we’re just not sure how often.

When It Comes To Water

When It Comes To Water