The Greatest US Presidents Ranked

Published on November 25, 2018

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson was the country’s 28th president. It was during his tenure that World War I broke out. The Treaty of Versailles which he played a major role in creating brought an end to the war. He played an important role in US becoming a member of the League of Nations. Wilson was famous for his controversial belief and mindset that America is the world’s saviour.

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Lyndon Baines Johnson is the country’s 36th president. The legacy he left behind is a strong one which will be hard to forget. These were moves that advanced the country in different aspects. For instance, there were lots of civil rights and welfare laws which came into being during his tenure. The social security law was passed and there was expansion of Medicaid and Medicare.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Lyndon Baines Johnson