The Greatest US Presidents Ranked

Published on November 25, 2018

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan happens to be the 40th president of America. One of the legacies he left behind was the famous Reaganomics economic policy. The aim was to increase military spending and decrease social spending. There were widespread tax cuts and domestic markets being deregulated. Based on the role he played in Iran-Contra affair and how the cold war was brought to an end, he will always be remembered. An attempt to assassinate him was made in the year 1981 but he survived.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States of America. JFK as he is fondly called by his supporters is the first Roman Catholic to ever become president of US. He had great leadership skills which were displayed during Cuban Missile Crisis as well as the Peace Corps establishment.

JFK’s tenure showed lots of promising signs that the country was heading towards the right direction. However, this wouldn’t last for long as he was assassinated in 1963. He died on the spot.

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy