When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

Potato Clan Revenge

This is one of the most creative things we have seen so far. We can only guess that this car was parked there for a while because it certainly would take some time to carve this potato clan from these tubers.

The Potato Clan

The Potato Clan

As you can see from the sign, the person who created this “Potato Clan” took this to extremes. They even are threatening to bring out the entire “produce army!” We aren’t quite sure what that means, but it doesn’t sound good!

Interesting Consequences

This car must park in the same spot over and over again, it seems, because this is a very interesting note. We can tell that this person must be pretty creative, because not only did they come up with this creative letter, they had a creative way of getting their point across.

The Stuntman

The Stuntman

We hope that this was a lesson learned for the owner of this car, including the fact that they should not park in the way of the path. A path really should only be used for walking…not parking.