When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

The Monster Truck

It is pretty bold to not park between the lines at any point, but the driver of this white car really took that to extremes. They didn’t even care to park in the spots at all. Instead, they took up two spots…and parked perpendicular.

Monster Truck

Monster Truck

This monster truck driver took matters into his or her own hands, though, and they certainly taught the driver of the white car a lesson. We think that this person probably won’t try to park like this again.

The Big Wrap

We have already talked about a car that got wrapped after the driver parked it in a forbidden spot, but this one goes even further. Where the other one was simply wrapped in plastic, this one has an extra bonus.

Wrapping It Up

Wrapping It Up

If you look closely, you can see the car is fully wrapped, but there is more. There is also a dirty dumpster wrapped up there, too! So, not only does the owner of this car have to contend with the wrap, but they also have to deal with the trash!