A Decade Passes: The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Published on January 21, 2018


Fox News airs an interview with Van der Sloot on November 24, 2008. During this interview he claims to have sold Natalee into sexual slavery – he received money when Natalee was taken and later on to keep quite. Here’s where it gets interesting, Van der Sloot claims his father paid off two police officers when they learned that Holloway had been taken to Venezuela. Shortly after and Van der Sloot retracts all the statements he made in the interview.



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THE NEXT DAY: November 25, 2008, and boom. Joran is caught with another journalist Greta Van Susteren on the talk show, “On the Record.” And yes, he’s changed his story again. Joran claimed he sold Natalee into slavery for $10,000. Furthermore he says he put her on a boat and watched as she sailed off. Of course he claims he was paid to keep quiet. Later on thought Joran confessed that this too was a false story.

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